Rise to the Challenge is all about bringing ”Real Life Stories, Real Motivation, To Inspire all Generations.” Our guests will share their experiences on how they rise to the challenge and help you conquer yours. Each week, we will bring a new story to the world. Guests include: Olympians/Athletes, Speakers, Type 1 Diabetics, Survivors, CEOs/Entrepreneurs, TV Personalities, and More. Come on the journey of our guests while we learn about their Rise to the Challenge. Please follow and subscribe on all major podcasts. Check out our Instagram: @risetothechallengepodcast or our Facebook: Rise to the Challenge Podcast
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Michele Delgado joins Alex Burket to share her story about her Rise to the Challenge. She talks about the challenges she faced in her rocky relationships with friends and family. She talks about going solo and living on her own. As she was going through her journey in her career, she talks about corporate struggles and challenges and the mental health effect. As an entrepreneur and podcast host, she is excited about creating her own path. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Michele Delgado:
- www.hartmetrics.com
- www.linkedin.com/in/michele-delgado-7739668
- https://www.instagram.com/hartmetrics/
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/569336349792972
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Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#MicheleDelgado #challenges #entrepreneur #relationship #rockyroad #corporate #corporateculture #podcast #podcasthost #risetothechallenge #movingout
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Kattie Lail joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Kattie is ready to share her story through the challenging times she has faced. She talks about facing crime and the impact it had on her life. She talks about how addiction played an affect in her family. She talks about the struggles but how she has turned it into helping others as an addiction wellness and peer coach. Kattie talks about the impact and reflects on her journey. She talks about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Kattie:
- https://www.wefaceittogether.org/
- https://www.facebook.com/wefaceittogether
- https://www.instagram.com/faceittogether/
- https://twitter.com/wefaceit2gether
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/face-it-together
- https://www.youtube.com/@faceittogether
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🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#KattieLail #crime #addiction #wellness #coach #mentalhealth #challenges #speaker #risetothechallenge
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Jessyka McCaulley joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge. Jessyka is a Type 1 Diabetic and she talks about her journey as she is on a similar journey as Alex. She talks about her story and what diabetes has taught her about herself. She talks about the journey through Pregnancy and Diabetes and has that played an impact. She is the Creator and Founder of the "Anti-Insulin Insulin Club" and the mission in creating the company. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Jessyka McCaulley:
- IG: @diabetic_jess
- IG: @antiinsulininsulinclub
- www.antiinsulininsulinclub.com
🌟Make sure to Subscribe to the Channel. Hit the Like Button. Make sure to turn on the Bell Icon for notifications on when we post future content.
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🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#JessykaMcCaulley #type1diabetic #diabetes #t1d #t1dlookslikeme #mother #motherhood #family #challenges #risetothechallenge #mentalhealth #struggles #entrepreneur
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Jessica Knight joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Jessica is ready to share her story through toxic relations and emotions and abuse. She talks about gaining her own power and how she helps others as an Emotions/Abuse and Life Coach. She talks about how being a mother has brought joy and the exciting road she has been on as a mother. As a fellow podcast host, we talk about the creation and so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Jessica Knight:
- https://www.instagram.com/emotionalabusecoach/
- https://www.instagram.com/jessicaknightcoaching
- https://www.tiktok.com/@emotionalabusecoach
- https://relationshiprecovery.buzzsprout.com
- https://emotionalabusecoach.com/
- https://jessicaknight.thinkific.com/collections
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🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#JessicaKnight #trauma #lifecoach #abuse #challenges #risetothechallenge #emotions #podcast #struggles #emotionscoach #abusecoach #reflections
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Ryan Kopyar joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Ryan is an international licensed counselor who helps people through challenges but he is ready to share his journey and challenges. We talk about the personal struggles/challenges that have played a huge part in his journey. We talk about the pain he has gone through. We talk about how health and fitness plays a huge part in his journey and getting into being a trainer. We talk about his book and the mission in writing his book. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Ryan Kopyar:
- https://www.instagram.com/ryankopyar/
- https://ryankopyarholistichealing.com/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-kopyar-934b41200/
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🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#RyanKopyar #fitness #author #trainer #sports #nutrition #personalstruggles #counselor #mentalhealth #paintopower #challenges #risetothechallenge
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Joy Giovanni joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. You may remember Joy as a WWE Superstar in WWE and on WWE Smackdown. We talk about her journey in getting into the WWE Diva Search and journey in the WWE. We talk about her path growing up and finding her passion. Since leaving the WWE, we talk about her profession as a Psychic Medium and teacher. She talks about helping others and sharing her story through her podcast. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Joy Giovanni:
- Get Joy's Free "Sign Magnet" 3 Day Mini Course HERE https://www.joyfulmedium.com/sign-magnet
- Joy's Website: https://www.joyfulmedium.com/
- Joy's Podcast, Spirit Speakeasy: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2084888/share
- Instagram: @JoyfulMedium
- TikTok: @JoyfulMedium
- Facebook: @JoyfulMedium
- Facebook Community: Joy's Soul Spa (https://www.facebook.com/groups/joyssoulspa )
- YouTube: Psychic Medium Joy Giovanni (https://www.youtube.com/joygiovannipsychicmedium )
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🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
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🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#JoyGiovanni #wwe #PsychicMedium #healer #teacher #podcasthost #wwesuperstars #wwesmackdown #wwedivas #wwedivasearch #mentalhealth #challenges #risetothechallenge
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Kristal Marshall joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. You may know Kristall from tv being on WWE Program like WWE Smackdown as a WWE Superstar. Kristall is here to share more about her story growing up and sharing her path. We talk about her love for art and path in the entertainment industry that brought her to the WWE Diva Search and WWE. We talk about how health and fitness has played a huge role in her journey and competing as a IFBB Pro. We talk about being a mother and the impact it has had. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge with Kristall Marshall.
Check out the links below to learn more about Kristall Marshall:
- IG: @bajanbombshell83
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🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#KristalMarshall #WWE #wwesmackdown #wwesuperstars #smackdown #divasearch #wwedivas #actor #actress #model #mother #ifbbpro #fitness #health #challenges #mentalhealth #risetothechallenge #athlete #artist
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Tyler Foley joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Tyler talks about his journey as an actor and performer in the entertainment industry. He talks the experiences he gained and how it has played in affect in his personal life. We talk about him being an author and the message he shares with his audience. He is an entrepreneur and the impact of the company but how he loves to speaker to audiences through podcast or a presenter. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Tyler Foley:
- https://seantylerfoley.com/
- https://www.endlessstages.com/
- https://podmatch.com/member/tylerfoley
- https://www.instagram.com/seantylerfoley/
- https://www.facebook.com/SeanTylerFoleyYYC/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPaMWxi5lGc_msriWtO45eA
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/seantylerfoley/
- https://twitter.com/DropTheMicSTF
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🌟Social Media:
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🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#TylerFoley #Actor #Author #Presenter #Peformer #challenges #risetothechallenge #performer #entertainment #entertainmentindustry #struggles
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Jacob Turner joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Jacob is a former MLB Pitcher that has experienced the ups and down in the professional baseball journey. He talks about his experience through the minors, to playing in the major leagues. We talked about the highlights and memories. We talk about his transition into the financial industry and what skills he has brought from his MLB days. We talk about growing up in Missouri as that is a similar story with Alex. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Jacob Turner:
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/thesuddenwealth/
- Twitter @thesuddenwealth
- https://www.instagram.com/jacobturner_/
🌟Make sure to Subscribe to the Channel. Hit the Like Button. Make sure to turn on the Bell Icon for notifications on when we post future content.
🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
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🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#JacobTurner #mlb #mlbpitcher #financial #athlete #sports #mlbdraft #stl #stlouis #financialindustry #risetothechallenge #challenges #struggles #positive #podcast
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Marci Warhaft joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Marci talks about her journey and the trauma/struggles she faced and what it has taught her to where she is today. We talk about her journey through sex and secrets, trauma and self worth, surviving and judgement, and the power behind them. She talks about creating her memoir and being an author and creating her Podcast. As a resiliency coach and body image advocate, the power she shares with individuals. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Marci Warhaft:
- https://www.instagram.com/marciwarhaft
- http://www.thegoodstripper.com
- https://anchor.fm/marci-warhaft/episodes/Trailer-e1n7hor
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🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
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🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#MarciWarhaft #resiliency #author #speaker #coach #bodyimage #sex #trauma #secret #judgement #survival #selfworth #challenges #struggles #risetothechallenge
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Kim Sorrelle joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Kim talks about her story with the personal journey that she has faced. She talks about surviving cancer and cancer in a family member. We talk about her becoming a speaker and mission that she shares with listener. As an author, Kim reveals the road to writing a book. We talk about what she has been doing now and so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Kim Sorrelle:
- https://www.kimsorrelle.com
- https://tiny.one/kimsfacebookpage
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/kim-langlois-sorrelle-11079523/
- https://www.instagram.com/kimsorrelle/?hl=en
- https://www.facebook.com/ksorrelle
- https://tiny.one/kimsorrelleyoutube
- https://tiny.one/loveisonamazon
- https://tinyurl.com/cryuntilyoulaughonamazon
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🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
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🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#KimSorrelle #cancersurvivor #author #speaker #breastcancer #entrepreneur #nonprofit #trauma #challenges #struggles #risetothechallenge #newepisode #podcast
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Jake Thomas joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Jake shares his journey through the Marines and his Military experiences. He talks about the greatest strengths he learned but the challenges he faced during his time. We talk about how health and fitness played a big role in his life and how that lead to competing in the Natural Physique competitions and winning it. We talk about his path after as an entrepreneur and what he focuses on today during helping others. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Jake Thomas:
- https://lifelikejake.com/
- https://www.instagram.com/lifelikejake/
🌟Make sure to Subscribe to the Channel. Hit the Like Button. Make sure to turn on the Bell Icon for notifications on when we post future content.
🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
🔴Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexburket2....
🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#JakeThomas #marines #naturalphysique #militaryveteran #addiction #fitness #entrepreneur #health #mentalhealth #challenges #risetothechallenge
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Nick Klingensmith joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Nick shares a similar story with the host as Nick is a Type 1 Diabetic. He shares his story on being diagnosis and challenges he has faced. He also shares his story about being a 4x Cancer Survivor and the mission on not letting it stop him from what he wants to achieve. If you see his content, you see that Nick loves to challenge himself with obstacle courses. He shares his love for that passion and we talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Nick Klingensmith:
- IG: @stridemotivation
- YT: @stridemotivation
- TIKTOK: @stridemotivation
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nklingensmith/
- FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100069207242260
🌟Make sure to Subscribe to the Channel. Hit the Like Button. Make sure to turn on the Bell Icon for notifications on when we post future content.
🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
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🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#NickKlingensmith #type1diabetic #cancersurvivor #obstaclecourseracing #diabetes #cancer #t1d #author #challenges #mentalhealth #struggles #risetothechallenge #accomplishment
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Zach Tucker joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Zach shares his story through fitness and health and the personal struggles it has brought on to him. He talks about the path and helping others through their personal journey. He talks about creating the Fitmess Podcast with his Co Host Jeremy Grater (You can see his epsiode also). We talk about mental health and so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Zach Tucker:
- www.thefitmess.com
- Twitter: @fitmessguys
- Youtube: @fitmessguys
- FB: The Fitmess Guys
- IG: @fitmessguys
🌟Make sure to Subscribe to the Channel. Hit the Like Button. Make sure to turn on the Bell Icon for notifications on when we post future content.
🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
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🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#ZachTucker #fitness #podcasthost #personalstruggles #mentalhealth #FitmessGuys #challenges #struggles #accomplishment #fitnessmotivation #fitnesslifestyle #coach #risetothechallenge
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
John Follis joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. John has been in the marketing game and has created his own Marketing Agency. We talk about the path through the highs and lows to get where he is today. We talk about the low points and setbacks that played a huge part in his path. We talk about being a speaker and the messages he shares when he speaks. We talk about creating his own company and so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about John Follis:
- Linkedin: John Follis
- www.follisinc.com
🌟Make sure to Subscribe to the Channel. Hit the Like Button. Make sure to turn on the Bell Icon for notifications on when we post future content.
🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
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🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#JohnFollis #marketingstrategy #agency #marketing #setbacks #lowpoint #challenges #mentalhealth #risetothechallenge #speaker
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Dariann Leigh joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Dariann is a singer and songwriter that is bringing her music to the world. We dive deep into the inspiration behind her songs and the lyrics that are feature. She shares about being in the music industry and the positive and challenges she faces. She talks about her new single "Jackson" and another favorite in "Let Me Go". We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Dariann Leigh:
- IG: @dariannleigh
- TikTok :@dariannleigh
- Youtube: @DariannLeigh
- Check out her music on Spotify and iTunes
- Check out her new single: "Jackson"
🌟Make sure to Subscribe to the Channel. Hit the Like Button. Make sure to turn on the Bell Icon for notifications on when we post future content.
🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
🔴Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexburket2....
🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#DariannLeigh #singersongwriter #music #singer #songwriter #lyrics #challenges #mentalhealth #dream #risetothechallenge #newsingle #contentcreator
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Melanie Gibson joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Melanie is ready to share about her struggles through depression, anxiety, mental health and more. Melanie has the love for martial arts especially with Taekwondo. We talk about her journey as an author and writing her book. Melanie shares her love for movies and entertainment with her podcast. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Melanie Gibson:
- https://www.amazon.com/Kicking-Screaming-Memoir-Madness-Martial/dp/1647420288/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1605974976&sr=8-1
- https://www.instagram.com/melaniegibsonauthor/
- https://www.facebook.com/melaniegibsonauthor
- https://littleblackbelt.com/
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🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
🔴Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexburket2....
🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#MelanieGibson #taekwondo #author #podcasthost #writer #risetothechallenge #mentalhealth #challenges #anxiety #depression #podcast
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Alundas Havens joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Alundas shares his story about being in the Marine Corps and what it taught him about himself and paving the path towards his future. We talk about the transition to civilian life and the trauma/challenges/addiction that Alundas faced. We talk about his love for podcasting and creating his show. He shares about his entrepreneurial journey and what is next in his career. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Alundas Havens:
- Linkedin: Alundas Havens
- IG: @alundas_havens
- www.thewinnersparadigm.com
- Check out the "The Winner's Paradigm" Podcast
🌟Make sure to Subscribe to the Channel. Hit the Like Button. Make sure to turn on the Bell Icon for notifications on when we post future content.
🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
🔴Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexburket2....
🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#AlundasHavens #MarineCorps #podcasthost #entrepreneur #veteran #mentalhealth #risetothechallenge #trauma #challenges #addiction #host #podcast
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Lindsey joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. Lindsey is an up and coming musical artist ready to share her story. She shares her path through depression and sharing her moments through her songs. She talks about getting into the music industry and what influences she looks up to. We talk about her new single: "Save Me" and the meaning behind the song. We talk about so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about Lindsey:
- www.thisislindseyofficial.com
- New Single: "Save Me" on iTunes and Spotify
- IG: @lindseyrocks
🌟Make sure to Subscribe to the Channel. Hit the Like Button. Make sure to turn on the Bell Icon for notifications on when we post future content.
🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
🔴Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexburket2....
🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#Lindsey #Musician #musicartist #Singer #songwriter #mentalhealth #risetothechallenge #accomplishment #struggles #challenges
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
John Davis joins Alex Burket on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast. John is a military veteran ready to share his story through combat but skills the military taught him. He talks about creating his story and wanting to share his message to the world. We talk about being an author and a Harvard Grad. We talk about the transition from combat to civilian life and so much more on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast.
Check out the links below to learn more about John Davis:
- www.johnhdaviswriter.com
- IG @john.h.davis.writer
🌟Make sure to Subscribe to the Channel. Hit the Like Button. Make sure to turn on the Bell Icon for notifications on when we post future content.
🌟New Episodes every Monday with bonus episodes on Thursday.
🌟Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9H....
🌟Social Media:
🔴Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexburket2....
🔴Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetothech....
🔴Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexburket?lang=en
🔴Follow the Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-to-the-....
Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier
#JohnDavis #militaryveteran #author #Harvard #HarvardGrad #veteran #military #Civilianlife #mentalhealth #risetothechallenge #accomplishment #struggles #challenges